Alianza Islamica book with mural background

Discover the rich and incredible legacy of the most well-known Latino Muslim organization in US history.

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New Book Review!

Set in the backdrop of the turbulent civil rights movements of the 60’s and 70’s, a budding wave of Latino Muslims began to emerge in the heart of Spanish Harlem, New York City. What began as a few teenagers with a passion for Islam would soon grow into a sweeping movement which would send shockwaves across both the Latino and Muslim communities.

Now, this profound and enlightening book seeks to unveil the unique story of the Alianza Islamica, artfully recounting the origins and formation of what would in a few short years rise to become the most influential Latino Muslim organization in America. Intertwining poignant personal stories with real excerpts of writings and radio interviews with its founders, this book provides a thorough and detailed account of Alianza Islamica’s history, exploring what it means to be a Latino Muslim in America.

With an examination of the earlier Islamic organizations, including the Young Lords Party and the Nation of Islam, as well as a deep-dive into how Islam has influenced the Puerto Rican community, readers will also discover the struggles which many Latino Muslims have faced on their journey into being accepted by Islam.

As a powerful read for both devout Muslims and newcomers to the faith, or anyone who wants to learn more about the deeply interesting history of Islam in the Latino community, Alianza Islamica: Spanish Harlem’s Islamic Odyssey will speak to your soul as it brings to light the rich and vibrant legacy of this incredible movement.